Thursday 24 June 2010


I'm now officially on holiday!!! I am so excited, it'll be so nice to have a week off work where I can just chill out, enjoy the sunshine, and play with my camera! Talking of which - I was a bit naughty and bought myself a new lens - this time the Tamron 10-24mm wide angle! Its so lush!
I shouldn't have done really, but I figured that I deserved it after a long 2 weeks at work running the store - eeek! It really is great though, and as soon as I get some pics sorted, I'll pop some up!

Friday 18 June 2010

Its been a while...

.... Since I last blogged! Blimey! I don't remember it being that long ago! I don't even know where to start to update, but I think it goes something along the lines of: Work, holiday, more work, even more work, fall-outs with certain friends, making plans with other friends, work again, and Ascot! Which brings me up to yesterday!
Poppy died a couple weeks ago :( We knew she was ill, she was getting very fat, and sleeping more, but at first we thought it was old age, but we put her on a diet when we went on holiday, and it didnt make any difference, so we took her to the vet who said it was a cyst, nothing they could do, given she was quite old, but while she was eating and drinking fine, she was ok. So, the diet went out the window, and spoiling her came in! I felt so bad for putting her on a diet when it wasnt her fault! So she got lots of treats, and generally spoilt rotten until we found her one evening, barely able to walk, and unable to open one eye. It was really sad, but we knew we had to take her to the vets to be put to sleep, it wasnt fair on her to stay suffering like that. So Bo took her in, it was really hard for him, she was his favourite, and he was hers, she used to squeak to get his attention, and did it work?! He used to stop whatever he was doing, and feed her, or get her out the cage for a runaround! Bless her, one of the best hammies ever, and we both miss her :(
In better news, we're off on holiday again next week, this time down to Ashurst (New Forest) - its a campsite we've stayed at loads of times before, but I am really looking forward to it! Just to have a week off from work will be amazing!

Monday 22 March 2010

Hamster Heaven :)

Managed to get a Hamster Heaven cage in the end - not the one from eBay, a new one from Pets at Home. The seller wanted to keep it as bid only, as there was lots of interest in it - fair enough, but I talked it over with Bo and decided as there was bits missing that we'd have to replace, there wasnt much point, so finally managed to track one down. Its hopefully coming tomorrow!!!

Friday 19 March 2010

Too good to be true?

I've had a really fabby week so far - everything seems to be going well, except for a teeny blip at work yesterday, and I'm now thinking its too good to be true! We adopted a hammy from Pets At Home, a little girl syrian, who we eventually called Maisie! Unfortunately, her cage is getting a little bit too small as she grows, so we've been looking for the Savic Hamster Heaven (its amazing!) and most of them are hugely expensive! But I've just spied one on Ebay, for a tenner, and its not far from here! I'm watching avidly, although a while to go yet, but I've emailed to ask if they will consider Buy-It-Now, I really want it! Its got a couple of bit missing (the loft extension from what I can see) but spares can be bought! But I just hate waiting!!!

Friday 12 March 2010

Apologies if this seems like a long random rant, although that could be because it is. I've just had the crappiest day, and once again, Bo has gone out and left me to sort out how I'm feeling on my own. My little Tiny-Ham died today. We took him to the vets Wednesday as he had a problem with his cheek, and we were told it was a small lump which could easily be removed, so I took him in this morning. 20 minutes after I left him there, I got a phone call from the vet - it was too bad to do anything about, and it would be better to put him to sleep. So I've spent all day pottering around the house, unable to concentrate on anything, and then Bo comes home, after picking Tiny up so we could bury him, and he pretty much ignores me. Doesn't even ask how I am, just witters on about the new radiators, and where to put the boiler. For the first time in a very long time, I ate dinner by myself. I just didn't see the point in sitting to eat a meal in silence with him. After we buried Tiny, we're both pretty upset, but he gets ready and tells me he's going out, and can't understand why I'm so upset with him. I wouldn't be so bad, if he had just given me a huge hug when he got home and asked if I was OK, but apparently, its just his way of dealing with things. Fine.
I can't see things lasting much longer if things stay like this, we barely see each other anyway, I get home from work/gym and he goes out, and if we are home together, we don't do anything - he watches TV while I'm upstairs by myself.
Sorry if this has sounded very ranty, but I'm just so fed up and upset right now.

Sunday 28 February 2010

Our fridge broke! Of all things to break down, it had to be our fridge! So, for the last week, we've been storing most things in the porch! Luckily, the freezer is separate, so we don't have that to worry about, but still! We went to buy a new one today - turned out to be a very expensive shopping trip! We were just going to get a normal fridge-freezer, just bigger than we have, and we were wandering around, and I was looking longingly at the big American-style ones (aren't they just amazing?) but I figured they'd be a bit too expensive, and a bit too big for our kitchen, until Bo says that when he gets the heating sorted, he's gonna get rid of the big cupboard to extend the kitchen. So, a few discussions later, and we decide on an American-style fridge-freezer!!! We just have to make do with having a bit of a squished kitchen for a couple months until we both get time off work to do the heating, knock down the cupboard, and redecorate the kitchen!!! So, slightly more expensive than we were thinking, but I'd rather get it all sorted now, before any little sproglets appear! Next, I'm saving for a new cooker (ours is ick!) and a new bed!

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Wow. I can't really remember writing the last post, but I guess I did! So, hospital stuff is almost out the way, after the HSG thing, and I've joined a gym! I know, something I swore I would never do because I hated gyms. But, it was something I had to do - I cant go out for long bike rides like I used to, because the weather is so rubbish, and I probably wouldn't make it very far! I am enjoying it (at the moment) so I hope it pays off!
I bought a new lens for my 450D the other week, a fantastic 60mm Macro! I love it! I'm sort of running out of things to photograph though, the hammies aren't very happy about having a camera shoved in their faces all the time! Neither is Bo, come to think of it!

Thats just a couple I've taken lately, its taken me ages to upload them so I won't put too many on just yet!